
We gratefully accept donations or volunteer support. Several of our programs rely entirely on donations from the community. Please contact us at the Shelter if you would like to volunteer and donations can be made in person at any time at 146 Carson Ave, Quesnel.

You can also donate financially online with PayPal or Credit card through CanadaHelps here.

Top 5 things you can do to support Seasons House:

  • Educate yourself on  housing and homelessness. Talk to others. For many people, talking about these types of social issues can be difficult. However, we must have these conversations in order to create change in our communities and to bring an end to homelessness.

  • Show kindness to people you meet on the street. Often, people look the other way and try not to make eye contact if they see a homeless person on the street. Many homeless people feel invisible and ashamed. Show kindness.

  • Get involved! Ask local organizations that provide services to the homeless population what you can do to help. Volunteer.

  • Donate however you can. Financial donations; donations of food, toiletries, socks, mittens,  towels, clothing and household items are always greatly appreciated!

  • Speak to your local politicians. Demand change. Homelessness is preventable. Housing is a basic human right.
